Sunday, March 13, 2016

Rebeka's bucketlist

As I get closer to graduating from school I have started to look back at my life thus far. I have been  on this earth for 22 years and what have I accomplished, what do I have to show for it. Now that I say it out loud it kinda sounds like I'm having a quarter life crisis! At any rate, in 2 Nephi 2:25 it reads "men are that they might have joy"... Heavenly Father sent us here to experience joy and be happy!  What have I accomplished already and what do I hope to accomplish that I might have joy in this life? Hence the bucketlist... It is definitely still a work in progress but I hope you enjoy! I hope it inspires you to set goals and create a bucket list that will allow you to experience joy in this life.

Be a mother
Travel the world
• Australia 
• Spain
• New York
• Canada
• Hawaii
• Africa
• Belize
• Jamaica
• Puerto Rico
• Colosseum
• Athens
• England 
• Rome
• Venice 
• Peru-Machu Picchu 
• Paris
• Samoa 
• Redwood forest 
• Niagara Falls
• Northern Lights 
• Hike Havasupai
• Alaska 
• Sacred Grove
• Yellowstone National Park
• Mt Rushmore
Go to the airport and buy the next available ticket to anywhere
Collegiate Athlete
Ride in hot air balloon
Get my Master’s degree
Get my Doctorate degree
Learn to Ski/Snowboard
Dog Sled adventure 
Shark Cage
Make a buzzer beater shot to win the game
Swim with dolphins in the ocean
Ride an elephant 
Learn Yoga
Be on the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Receive a giant check 
Win a state championship
Have twins 
Scuba Dive
Sky Dive
Run a Marathon 
Attend NBA finals game 
Build my dream house
Make time to become an avid reader 
Attend Golden State Game
Attend Cardinals Game 
Ride a sea turtle
Coach my kids
Own a cabin 
Have a 50 year wedding anniversary
Learn Spanish
Donate my hair 
Learn Guitar 
Own a Ranch
Get my cosmetology license 
Marry the man of my dreams 
Run a Tough Mudder
Ride motorcycles on a trip 
Hunt a deer/elk
Watch Wicked on Broadway
Have children that serve LDS missions 
Cook a thanksgiving dinner 
Temple Sealing
Be on the Price is Right 
Get couples massages 
Serve a LDS couples mission
Never stop learning 
12 days of Christmas a family in need
Hit a homerun 
Watch the Iditarod 
Have grandkids and spoil them rotten 
See the Grand Canyon

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