Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Pipe Cleaner Play

So the mastermind behind this little activity was not me.  It was actually my son.  I wish I could say that I had thought this little activity up but David is the true genius here!  He actually started by making a mess and getting into my craft stuff and pulling out the pipe cleaners and throwing them everywhere it was lovely.  We started cleaning them up when he said one of them looked like a 5 and then insisted I make one that looked like a 5. Then we started doing other random numbers he told me to do like 2.  Then I just decided to do all of them and so we went with it!

 David only had a his underwear on so I spared you by having him hold them by his face.  He is truly silly!
 So numbers he has down pretty well and loved counting and we even made a 10. Then we started with letters which he is working on right now.  He knows a few of them well but still struggles with the rest of them.  So he loved singing the abc song every time we would start to make a new one to figure out which letter came next. He LOVED it!
 He loved watching me figure out how to make them, which was pretty hard since these have been well played with but luckily they bend and move into new shapes really well. It was also great for me, I feel like I don't get to just sit and create things too much anymore so it was definitely fun to feel creative and figure out how to make these letters.
He loved touching them and feeling them and naming them.  He also loved that he got to choose the color to make each letter.  So many things we went over in such a simple and super fun activity.
Those toes! :D
We then started to spell his name and his sisters name.  We had to make an extra D and E. But he loved seeing his name and he knows all those letters! D, A, V, I, More D! 

He loved these letter so much.  he kept coming up to me afterwards and wanted me to remake things or would even disassemble some of them and come up with new things that they looked like.  One he said looked like a giraffe.  Such a fun and easy activity to help get those brains going and to have fun with letters and numbers! :D

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