Friday, January 29, 2016

February Visiting Teaching Handout!!!

I love going visiting teaching!  The sisters that I have are so amazing and I learn so much from them every time we visit.  One of the things I would like to do is create a handout for them just to reemphasize what the lesson was about and maybe give a little treat with it.  I know you don't have to do these things, and you should never feel like you have to, but sometimes it is just a fun surprise for them.  So I am going to start creating new visiting teaching handouts or some fun thing for you to take with you every month!

So with that in is my first one for February!  It is a really cute handout that can go with any Valentine's Day cookies or treat you want to give them!  It is kinda fun that for the month of love, that we get to talk about marriage relationships. (Especially since this is also my anniversary month as well!)  Of course we need to be sensitive to our sweet sisters that are in a variety of different circumstances that may be, as Elder Christofferson stated, "denied the blessings of marriage for reasons including a lack of viable prospects, same-sex attraction, physical or mental impairments or simply a fear of failure....Or you may have married, but that marriage ended."  In any case love those sisters of yours no matter their circumstances and show them you care!

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